322 - Assessment of direct costs for hospitalited patients with active ulcer hemorrhage treated with medical-surgical therapy for endoscopic hemostasis in a randomized controlled trial - EM|consultedoi:10.1016/S0016-5107(05)80141-5IM Gralnek...
The direct costs were the summation of the hospital and out-of-hospital costs resulting from the event, determined from the medical records. The indirect costs were estimated through the human capital lost. The Mann-Whitney test and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) with transformation adjusted for ...
All costs were calculated in 2003 dollars.In 1996, an estimated 2.52 million children aged five to 17 years received treatment for asthma. Direct medical expenditure was 1009.8 million dollars (401 dollars per child with asthma), including payments for prescribed medicine, hospital inpatient stay, ...
Discharges decreased by 3.84% and total costs by 1.75% in the period analysed. The complications that caused the biggest cost variations were ketoacidosis (50.7%), ophthalmic (22.6%) and circulatory (18.81%). Conclusions Hospital care for diabetes mellitus represents an important financial challenge ...
But the costs of energy—including not only the money and other resources devoted to obtaining and exploiting it, but also environmental and sociopolitical impacts—detract from well-being. For most of human history, the dominant concerns about energy have centered on the benefit side of the ...
SESSION TYPE: COPD Posters IIPRESENTED ON: Wednesday, October 24, 2012 at 01:30 PM - 02:30 PMPURPOSE: We aimed to determine the costs of acute exacerbation of COPD in one year period in a second level hospital. and drawing attention to this big health problem and its economic burden.MET...
Complex continuing care Cost weights for CCC were based on the Resident Assessment Instrument- Minimum Data Set Resource Utilization Groups (RUG III),19 which represents the relative amount of hospital resources required to care for a patient each day Spinal Cord Direct costs of spinal cord injury...
Objective: To determine the direct treatment cost of lung cancer management from progression to death from the viewpoint of the hospital.Methods: A retrospective descriptive study was performed. Data from 100 patients who died of lung cancer and who had received treatment from four different types ...
Hospitals are imperfect substitutes because of travel costs and times, and switching costs. A marginal increase in quality qi leads some but not all patients to switch from the other hospitals to hospital i. The vector of parameters δi captures other factors affecting demand, such as the ...
The annual direct medical costs in Dutch hospitals were estimated at a total of euro 355 million for all AEs and euro 161 million for preventable AEs in 2004. The total number of hospital admissions in which a preventable AE occurred was 30,000 (2.3% of all admissions) and more than 300...