Alcoholis an international, peer-reviewed journal that is devoted to publishing multi-disciplinary biomedical research on all aspects of theactionsoreffectsofalcoholon thenervous systemor on otherorgan systems. Emphasis is given to studies into the causes and consequences ofalcohol abuse… ...
Our analysis confirms that rural households in Rayitu district experience drought and are vulnerable to the consequences of shocks. As a response, rural households adopt interdependent risk coping strategies. This supports the notion of addressing the problem of risk through integrated rural development ...
NVIDIA shall have no liability for the consequences or use of such information or for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. This document is not a commitment to develop, release, or deliver any Material (defined below), code, or ...
This observation agrees with single-particle tracking microscopy of live cells assigning kindlin a shorter immobilization time than talin in focal adhesions of FN-seeded fibroblasts28 and predicts three important consequences. First, the unidirectional competition leading to a drastic decrease in kindlin ...
Thus, phenotypic consequences of bnl-Gal4-driven expression of Bnl:GFP variants were recorded in two distinct tissue contexts of the same larva: wing disc (for native Bnl source and ASP interactions) and salivary glands (for ectopic source and tracheal invasion into the ectopic source). Cyton...
When using Bonferroni (or another) correction, a strategy for addressing multiplicity issues should be presented and its consequences for the conclusions should be explained. d) Repeated or multiple measurements per individual are NOT statistically independent (not even if their intraclass correlation ...
The Benchmarking and Configuration Guide helps you evaluate and test GDS functionality and performance by using sample applications. 1. Introduction NVIDIA® GPUDirect® Storage (GDS) is the newest addition to the GPUDirect family. GDS enables a direct data path for direct memory access (DMA)...
Li, X. 2019. China’s pursuit of the “One Belt One Road” initiative—a new world order with Chinese characteristics: Unpacking economic motivations and non-economic consequences of connectivity infrastructure under OBOR. In L. Xing (Ed.),Mapping China’s ‘One Belt One Road’ initiativeCham...
One possibility is that there is something about the indirect nature of this form of aggression (e.g., the treacherous aspects of it) that has particularly damaging consequences for those who become victim of it – for example, it is possible that it may be more damaging to one’s ability...
test has been informed about the genetic test’s nature, consequences and significance. This consultation should be non-directive and performed by a medical specialist with an education in human genetics/medical genetics or a medical specialist competent for the respective specialty. The test may ...