Practically from the start it had been agreed that in some sense probability generalised deductive logic (‘the logic of certainty’ as it was often described), but it was also agreed that it was the deductive consequence relation that was generalised. For reasons which will become apparent in ...
ricini; as a consequence, the concentration of unutilized trehalose rises. In generalists, both sugar metabolisms, digestion and absorption of sucrose (the major sugar source), and the utilization of trehalose (the major sugar reservoir as blood sugar), are inhibited, resulting in severe toxicity....
To claim that some property is of direct moral importance may be ambiguous. It can mean that the property in question is important in itself and not because of the fact that the property is typically found together with some other property; it can also mean that the property is important in...
Which brings us to the issue of the direct recovery of funds from private bank accounts. Viewed within the context of its existing powers, HMRC should not need this additional power to recover funds, yet we are told that as a consequence of resource related administrative difficulties not just...
self-reported negative valence and arousal increases positive evaluations and changes behavioural decision making as a consequence of these affective influences. Secondly, we hypothesised that tDCS may enhance these effects and leads to reductions in negative memory characteristics and evaluations. Whilst we...
such transient strained SAS-6 conformations were indeed present in the PORT-HS-AFM data set (Fig.5c–f, Supplementary Movie3). Taken together, these findings support the notion that SAS-6 polymers exhibit an intrinsic helical propensity that is of consequence for ring polymers assembled on the ...
15-17 Although facilitating such treatment is an important aspect of providing holistic care for patients with HCV and AUD or other SUDs, an unintended consequence may have been additional delays affecting the HCV cascade of care for this group.4,46 Disparities in the receipt of DAA treatment ...
LetMbe a closed connectedm-dimensional manifold and let [g] be the conformal class of a Riemannian metricg. The conformal Yamabe invariantis defined as ifand asif. By the resolution of the Yamabe problem (cf. [3,25,38,45,52]) this infimum is always attained by some metricof constant sc...
64 and 128. It is clear that batch QR has excellent performance when the fill-in is small. In this regime, the runtime is the same independent of the batch size until we reach the peak bandwidth possible on the device; this is a consequence of “the bigger the batch, the more paralle...
Direct loss is the damage inflicted, such as destruction by fire, whereas consequential loss is the indirect consequence of those damages. In other words, the direct loss would be damage to the building and equipment, whereas the consequential loss could be the losses created by the business hav...