Among the fungicolous hyphomycetes, one of the most common species is Calcarisporium arbuscula, found in the growing sporocarps of many agarics, including species of Russula and Lactarius (Watson 1955). It either sporulates quickly and profusely or develops as a symptomless “endophyte,” ...
Details are provided in review studies [1], [2], [3]. 3.2. Surface X-ray diffraction The analysis of SXRD data is realized when sxrdcalc [30], [31], an open-source simulator written in the C language, is installed. Surface X-ray diffraction has been used for decades for structure ...
Demo updated to test multi-monitor with different DPI Fixed issue #20: Coordinates in double (PaintTo methods) Fixed issue #25: Transform matrix is wrongly parsed Fixed issue #26: Error in CalcMartrix Fixed issue #27: TSVGRadialGradient.ReadIn does not read the gradientTransform matrix ...
D3D10CalcSubresource Calculate a subresource index for a texture. D3D10CompileEffectFromMemory Compile an effect. D3D10CompileShader Compile an HLSL shader. D3D10CreateBlob Create a buffer.Note Instead of using this function, we recommend that you use the D3DCreateBlob API. D3D10CreateDevice Create...
Demo updated to test multi-monitor with different DPI Fixed issue #20: Coordinates in double (PaintTo methods) Fixed issue #25: Transform matrix is wrongly parsed Fixed issue #26: Error in CalcMartrix Fixed issue #27: TSVGRadialGradient.ReadIn does not read the gradientTransform matrix ...
D3D10CalcSubresource Calculate a subresource index for a texture. D3D10CompileEffectFromMemory Compile an effect. D3D10CompileShader Compile an HLSL shader. D3D10CreateBlob Create a buffer.Note Instead of using this function, we recommend that you use the D3DCreateBlob API. D3D10CreateDevice Create...
The computational work was carried out using the Turing HPC infrastructure at the CalcUA core facility of the Universiteit Antwerpen (UA), a division of the Flemish Supercomputer Center VSC, funded by the Hercules Foundation, the Flemish Government (department EWI) and the UA. Author information ...
4B. The test models include the migration models with different dipping layered structures, a modified PREM without a dipping structure in the upper mantle, and the best-fit velocity model as the migration model but a horizontal converter applied in the migration. The comparison of the interface ...
The SICO test (Section 4.1.5) was used as an experiment. The tested material was Inconel 718 containing 56.3% Ni, 20.6% Cr, and 23.1% Fe. The samples were annealed (at 790°C for 100 min) before the tests. Typical UC tests were additionally performed for comparison. The FE code devel...
When another function name appears, such as calc_avg(), that function starts execution. When it completes, control is returned to main(), along with a return value (if any). Statements in C are terminated by a semicolon (;) and pairs of special characters (/* */) delimit comments. ...