Thus, females in this species behaviorally mediate reproductive suppression through a negative effect of stress on the HPG axis (Hacklander et al., 2003). Although a direct behavioral effect of dominant males on subordinates has not been shown, one study found that subordinates that are not ...
Image copyright Kyle Dent and University of Cape Town. Examples of bigger (e.g.,T =3, 4, 7) and slightly more complex nonenveloped isometric structures are common, as many phages, plant viruses and a number of insect and animal viruses have quasi-icosahedral capsids of 30–50nm in si...
K1, K2 and KIDM are the PFO rate constant (min− 1), PSO rate constant (− 1.min− 1), ID rate constant (mg.g− 1.min1/2), and the C is the intersection of the line with the ordinate axis. The value of C gives an idea about the boundary layer thickness...
In the pith of the cone axis are nests of sclereids and a ring of secondary xylem with resin canals. Pitting is uniseriate circular bordered. Bract and ovuliferous scale vasculature begins as a single trace that divides in the outer cortex. Vasculature in the scale occurs as a series of ...
All other values of P give rise to more complex structures with either a left-hand or right-hand skew (see VirusWorld, (B) Icosahedra with triangulation numbers of 1, 3, and 4. • An axis of twofold rotational symmetry through...
Most species of gregarines are streamlined along an anterioposterior axis. Some species are elongate cylinders (worm-like), others ovoid, others globular; a very few have irregular projections from their bodies. Most species that infect Crustacea are gut parasites (Table 3.6), however, those few...
The left Y-axis is the percentage of the cohort surviving (open circles), and the right Y-axis is the offspring per female per hour (closed circles).Figure redrawn from Halbach (1973). Food supply obviously is an important determinant of rotifer abundance and many studies have shown that ...
Pulp fibres have a length 1–3 mm and an axis ratio (length/diameter) in the range 40–100. This large asymmetry creates regimes of behaviour in suspension that can be defined by a Crowding Number, N. This number, in essence, is the number of fibres in a spherical volume swept out by...
For space, only the VDJ regions are shown on the y axis, but all cells in a clone share identical CDR3 sequences. Clones reside in a restricted set of cytotoxic and effector cell states and are shared across vaccination time points. Size of each dot represents the number of cells in ...
54th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (54th ICoMST), 10-15August 2008, Cape Town, South Africa P.E. Strydom, in Meat Science, 2008 Although the growth performance and carcass yield of certain Sanga breeds under intensive feeding conditions appear to be less favourable, compa...