Submarine hot springs as a source of active ridge sediments. Kurt Boströ,m, Bruce F Arquharson and William Eyl. Chemical Geology . 1972Bostrom, K., Arquharson, B. F., and Eyl, W., 1972. Submarine hot springs as a source of active ridge sediments. Chemical Geology, 10: 189-203...
Photos of Hot Springs - Featured ImagesUnited States Arkansas (AR) Hot Springs Hot Springs PicturesHot Springs: Pictures Filter photos by Rate: Report as inappropriate Photo of Hot Springs, AR (zmadaric, Oct 2009) 13,903-13,908 of 13,989 ...
Accordingly, among these anomalies, the divers confirmed seven of them as subaqueous hot springs. Three of these hot springs are located in the K?yce?iz Lake, three of them are located in the Dalyan Channel and one hot spring is located in the Fethiye-G?cek Bay. At the locations where...
Boron iso tope geochemistry as a tracer for the evolution of brines and associated hot springs from the Dead Sea,Israel[J].Geochimica et Cosomchimica Acta,1991,(06):1689-1695.Vengosh A, Starinsky A, Kolodny Y, Chivas AR. Boron isotope geochemistry as a tracer for the evolution of brines...
HENSEL, R., K. MATUSSEK, K. MICHALKE, et al. 1997. Sulfophobococcus zilligii gen. nov., spec. nov. a novel hy- perthermophilic archaeum isolated from hot alkaline springs of Iceland. Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 20: 102- 110.Sulfophobococcus zilligii gen. nov., spec. nov. a novel ...