Georgia Pomaki,Anita DeLongis,Daniela Frey,Kathy Short,Trish Woehrle.When the going gets tough: Direct, buffering and indirect effects of social support on turnover intention[J]. Teaching and Teacher Education .2010(6)When the going gets tough: Direct, buffering and indirect effects of social ...
Previous research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) and firm innovativeness and their impact on financial performance has focused on firms’ actions (i.e., what firms do). However, how customers perceive these firm activities have not been fully explored; there is a lack of research partic...
ECSR strengths and concerns harm CFP since they are perceived as a potential cost. However, this CSR activity fosters R&D efforts of firms which generates additional value (indirect effect). 展开 关键词: corporate social responsibility tobin's Q R&D ...
Marketing refers to the process of advertising a company's products and services to its target market. There are several different marketing strategies that a company can use, such as direct and indirect marketing.Answer and Explanation: Direct marketing refers to a marketing strategy where the ...
Note that a key difference between indirect and direct network effects is that thetypeof user who joinsmatters. Sticking with the Uber example, when a new driver joins Uber, there is little to no additional value to other drivers. However, when a rider joins Uber, that increase the value ...
格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑第 第 PAGE 1 页共 NUMPAGES 1 页高二英语教案:《direct speech and indirect speech》教学设计 魏 高二英语教案:《direct speech and indirect speech》教学设计 Teaching Aims: 1 .Enable the students further to know and understand how to change Direct Speech into Indirect ...
Direct and indirect reciprocity are key mechanisms for the evolution of cooperation. Direct reciprocity means that individuals use their own experience to decide whether to cooperate with another person. Indirect reciprocity means that they also consider
indirect and direct 2.3.9Indirectvs.Direct(间接与间接与直接)直接 Thewideruseofsuchdevicesaseuphemism,understatement,litotes,indirectnegationperiphrasisaswellastheimpersonalstyleandabstractdictionmakesEnglishmoreindirectthanChinese.委婉)ComparedwithChinese,Englisheuphemismiswidelyusedinallkindsof...
英文学术引用Direct and Indirect Speech DIRECTVSINDIRECT Week2 Directvs.Indirect •IfChinesebusinesseswanttomakeadeal,theleadersoftenhavedinnertogether.Theydrinktogether,theytalkabouttheirfamilies,theirhobbies,etc.Whentheyhavefinishedsocializing,thenmaybetheywilldiscussthedeal.•IfWesternbusinesseswanttomakeadeal...
The built environment factors are all interrelated, with a range of direct and indirect effects. Distance to city has a strong negative association with neighborhood density, as denser neighborhoods tend to be located closer to the city center. Both shorter distance to city center and higher ...