As clinically important as direct retainers, indirect retention (rests and minor connectors) and its principles to counteract the dislodgment of the RPD are also expressed.Bural, CananFaculty of Dentistry, Istanbul UniversityGeckili, OnurFaculty of Dentistry, Istanbul University...
Longitudinal Improvement in Periodontal Parameters between RPD Abutment Teeth with Direct and Indirect Retainers, after Periodontal Therapy. Objectives: To evaluate periodontal parameters of abutment teeth and interproximal sites, in patients with mandibular class I Kennedy Removable Partial Den... ML Almeida...
The natural abutment teeth, on which direct and indirect retainers are designed, must submit to additional lateral forces. Because these teeth are often compromised by deficient periodontal support, many partial dentures are designed to minimize the forces applied to them. The result is an increase ...
Minor connectors are any components that serve as stress distributors or connecting links between the major connector and other components of the prosthesis. They include clasp assembly, indirect retainers, occlusal rests, or cingulum rests. The dentist must be careful when using these connectors so...
Indirect retainerOcclusal restRemovable partial dentureThe clasp assemblies act as the direct retainers of the RPDs without precision attachments. In this chapter, infrabulge and suprabulge of clasp assemblies used in RPD design are described with their specific features. Components of the clasp ...
Longitudinal Improvement in Periodontal Parameters between RPD Abutment Teeth with Direct and Indirect Retainers, after Periodontal Therapy.doi:10.1111/jopr.12774Mariana Linhares AlmeidaAna Clara Soares de Paiva TrresKleiton Clécio de OliveiraPatrícia dos Santos Calderon...
Indirect vs direct bonding of mandibular fixed retainers in orthodontic patients: a single-center ran- domized controlled trial comparing placement time and failure over a 6-month period. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2014;146:701-8.Bovali E, Kiliaridis S, Cornelis MA. Indirect vs direct ...
The amount of denture base displacement under various loads and the forces of removal were measured electronically. The framework was constructed to allow repeated changes in the type of clasp, location of indirect retainer, and position of the rest seat on the terminal abutment tooth. The ...
Indirect vs direct bonding of mandibular fixed retainers in orthodontic patients: a single- center randomized controlled trial comparing placement time and failure over a 6-month period. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2014 Dec;146(6):701-708....
Indirect Retainersdoi:10.1016/B978-0-323-06990-8.00007-5Alan B. Carr DMD, MSDavid T. Brown DDS, MSMcCracken's Removable Partial Prosthodontics (Twelfth Edition)