It is, therefore, often impossible to separate direct and indirect influences. Photophobic behavior is often a result of hygrophily (Barkman, 1958; Rao and LeBlanc, 1965). The problem is whether illumination itself is a stress factor for lichens, how they respond to this influence, and ...
Distinguish direct and indirect interactions with Graphical ModellingRobert Stojnic
Direct and indirect pathways for heterosynaptic interaction underlying developmental synapse elimination in the mouse cerebellum Hisako Nakayama, Taisuke Miyazaki, Manabu Abe, Maya Yamazaki, Yoshinobu Kawamura, Myeongjeong Choo, Kohtarou Konno, Shinya Kawata, Naofumi Uesaka, Kouichi Hashimoto, ...
(e.g., families, electronic circuits, communication networks). However, inmodeling conceptualrelations, such as causation, association, and relevance, it is often hard to distinguish direct neighbors from indirect neighbors; constructing a graph for the relation therefore becomes more delicate. The ...
Thedirect,indirectandmorbiditycostswerepositivelyassociatedwithmedical careutilized. 而无论是直接成本、间接成本或罹病成本,医疗服务利用情形皆与各项成本成正相关。 6. Thisgraphshowsthreedifferenttypesofcouplings-direct,indirect,andcyclic. ...
Unlike sensory systems, this pathway relies on indirect modulation via the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN). Specifically, the prelimbic area, which influences emotional and motivated behaviors, impacts instrumental avoidance responses through direct and indirect projections to the paraventricular thalamus. ...
Graph for powershell scripts Group Managed Service Account Error: "no mapping between account names and security ids was done" Group Policy for Set execution policy Bypass? group-object and measure object GUI to query AD into a listbox, and then selected item from listbox into other textboxes...
PIE: Pure Indirect Effect. 主要内容 graph LR X(X) -->Z(Z) --> Y(Y) X --> Y 设想, 药物(X)的影响通过俩种途径: 直接对身体产生的影响; 服用药物(X)会导致头疼, 故患者大概率会服用镇痛剂, 镇痛剂会利于(或者不利于)恢复. 如果我们直接计算causal effect, 则二者都会纳入其中, 但是往往我们所...
In this paper we introduce and evaluate two natural interaction techniques: the free-hand gesture based Grasp-Shell, which provides direct physical manipulation of virtual content; and the multi-modal Gesture-Speech, which combines speech and gesture for indirect natural interaction. These techniques ...
This photoabsorption phenomena depends on material and wavelength due to materials direct and indirect bandgap. For instance, silicon (Si) is an appropriate photodetector material for visible wavelength from 400 nm to 1000 nm. For telecoms’ wavelength range (1300 nm to 1600nm), Ge and indium ...