Our carbon removal service captures CO2 from the air and permanently stores it underground. Contact us to purchase DAC-based carbon removal credits.
Direct air carbon capture 直接空气捕碳 直接空气碳捕获(Direct air capture),简称 DAC,是少数可以从大气中直接清除二氧化碳的技术。DAC 技术可以形象地理解为工业「光合作用」,DAC系统在覆盖有特殊化学试剂的过滤器表面捕获二氧化碳,然后在那里形成化合物。新化合物被加热,释放出被捕获的二氧化碳并将其与化学试剂分离,...
DAC赛道上的另一家代表性公司是Carbon Engineering,过去几年一直与西方石油公司合作,为其石油项目提供捕碳技术支持。另外,包括空客、法航荷航在内的航空业,是Carbon Engineering的主要客户群体,航空公司们希望购买DAC项目的碳信用来实现脱碳目标。 从空气中捕集到的二氧化碳,除了应用在石油行业驱油场景,还可以用于制造生...
Direct Air Carbon Capture & Storage (DACCS) involves removing carbon emissions directly from the ambient air. Discover how the technology works. Bringing affordable and scalable carbon removals to aviation In October 2021, the aviation industry adopted the long-term climate goal ofnet-zero carbon emi...
Direct air capture and carbon capture represent two unique strategies for addressing climate change. While direct air capture extracts carbon dioxide directly from the surrounding air, carbon capture targetspower plant pollutants. Although both methods strive to lower greenhouse gas levels in the atmospher...
WindCapture Technologies utilises the scale of wind turbines to provide affordable and scalable direct air capture of atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Direct air carbon capture and storage (DACS, sometimes referred to as DAC or DACCS) is one of the few technologies that can remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. Unlike other carbon removal technologies that capture CO2 emissions during the process of generating electricity or heat, ...
直接空气碳捕获和储存(Direct air capture and storage),简称 DACS,是少数可以从大气中直接清除二氧化碳的技术。DACS 技术可以形象地理解为工业「光合作用」,就像植物通过光合作用将阳光和二氧化碳转化为糖一样,DACS 系统通过风扇和过滤器从大气中去除二氧化碳。
Direct air capture (DAC) is a technology that captures CO₂ directly from the air. Unlike traditional carbon capture methods focused on industrial emissions that prevent new emissions from entering the atmosphere, DAC allows us to permanently remove CO₂ that is already in the atmosphere and wa...
Direct Air Capture high-quality permanent carbon removal certificates. Tackle unavoidable, hard to reduce and historical carbon dioxide emissions.