dir: command not found dir command in Linux lists the directory contents using one line per file. The special characters are represented by backslash escape sequences. This works similar to the command: # ls -C --escape If you encounter the below error while running the command dir: dir: ...
export $HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/root/bigdata/hadoop/etc/hadoop 下面是报错前后快照: (pyspark)[root@node01hadoop]# myhadoop.sh stop===关闭hadoop集群===---关闭historyserver---WARNING:log4j.propertiesisnotfound.HADOOP_CONF_DIRmaybeincomplete.---关闭yarn---Stoppingnodemanagersnode03:Permissiondenied(publick...
2017年06月07日更新: rvm、ruby环境配置将淘宝源移除,用ruby-china替换一、安装rvm环境检查rvm环境,终端输入指令: rvm -v 输出(如果输出如下内容证明不存在rvm环境,如果存在请跳过此步骤) -bash: rvm: command not found 安装配置 rvm 环境 curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable 安装rvm成功的输...
MATLAB®does not support internet URLs that require authentication. MATLAB Online™supports internet URLs associated with Microsoft OneDrive™ files and folders, while the installed version of MATLAB supports only local OneDrive files. Extended Capabilities ...
current_dir=$(cd $(dirname $0); pwd)或者 current_dir=$(cd `dirname $0`; pwd)current
Docker Root Dir设置 docker route,主机:docker镜像文件从机:本电脑一、设置IP地址1.确定ROS多机系统均处于同一网络dockerrun-it-p11311:11311容器名/bin/bash#进入容器主机:输入ifconfig注:若显示ifconfig:commandnotfound,输入apt-getinstallnet-tools 从机:
MATLAB®does not support internet URLs that require authentication. MATLAB Online™supports internet URLs associated with Microsoft OneDrive™ files and folders, while the installed version of MATLAB supports only local OneDrive files. Extended Capabilities ...
Try to use command line also with Setup.exe /Action=Install /INSTALLSHAREDWOWDIR=DirPath Did not work either. Try to apply SP1, same error. This cannot be just coincidence that so many people are having same issue. Something must be done to stop ...
If the file system is not mounted as read-only, you can try checking the file system for errors using the following command: fsck /path/to/azure-ml-labs Replace/path/to/azure-ml-labswith the actual path to the directory. If errors are found, you can try repairing them using...
Whenever I'm working in the command window, I get the error: "bash: __gitdir: command not found" right above the working line (in other words, right after any command, before it prompts for a new one). Any ideas as to what is going on to bring this up?