WHAT IS DIR-3 KYC DUE DATE 2019? The due date of filing DIN-KYC is 30th April of every financial year. PROCESS TO FILE DIR-3 KYC FORM Upload the required documents & information to our web portal. Consult our business advisor regarding the director category of DIN-3 KYC. ...
KYC Therefore, it does not process personal data relating to the provision of investment services. Section 12. How long do we keep your data? A. General information In Spain, the legal limitation period is in principle 5 years for commercial matters starting from the end of the business ...
KYC Therefore, it does not process personal data relating to the provision of investment services. Section 12. How long do we keep your data? A. General information In Spain, the legal limitation period is in principle 5 years for commercial matters starting from the end of the business ...