Rotational transitions ofcis-glyoxal, C2H2O2, and its monodeuterated isotopomer have been detected by microwave spectroscopy, both in their vibrational ground states and in their first and second excited torsional ν7, as well as in their first excited ν5bending states. Assignments have been ...
摘要: This chapter provides the dipole moment expansion coefficients for (010)–(000) band of triatomic HD18O (H18OD) molecule measured using spectroscopic method and theoretical calculation.出版时间: 2016/01/01 ISBN: 978-3-662-49326-7 ...
分子对称性与分子的物理性质分子的偶极矩DipoleMoment 4.4.分子对称性与分子的物理性质 4.4.分子对称性与分子的物理性质 1.分子的旋光性 (i)概念:OpticalActivity:物质对入射偏振光的偏振面的旋转能力。属宏观性质,是大量分子而非单分子的性质,但仍称为分子的旋光性。(ii)传统判据:有机化学中的判据:分子含有...
A fairly good fit to the observed spectra is obtained by the virial expansion theory for the line shape function applied to the six-state hopping model with the tunneling parameter of 1 cmhc and with the magnitude of the dipole moment of 3.3 Debye. 展开 ...
分子对称性与分子的物理性质分子的偶极矩DipoleMoment 4.4.分子对称性与分子的物理性质 4.4.分子对称性与分子的物理性质 1.分子的旋光性 (i)概念:OpticalActivity:物质对入射偏振光的偏振面的旋转能力。属宏观性质,是大量分子而非单分子的性质,但仍称为分子的旋光性。(ii)传统判据:有机化学中的判据:分子含有...
分子对称性与分子的物理性质分子的偶极矩DipoleMoment 4.4.分子对称性与分子的物理性质 4.4.分子对称性与分子的物理性质 1.分子的旋光性 (i)概念:OpticalActivity:物质对入射偏振光的偏振面的旋转能力。属宏观性质,是大量分子而非单分子的性质,但仍称为分子的旋光性。(ii)传统判据:有机化学中的判据:分子含有...