deuteriumdipolesisotope effectspolarizationtemperature ammonia/polarizability of, effects of deuterium ondeuterium/effects on dipole moment and polarizability of ammoniaammonia/dipole moment of, effects of deuterium onNot Availabledoi:10.1016/0009-2614(67)85079-6E.A. Halevi...
Polarization involves the small displacement of charge (either of electrons or of ions) or of molecules that carry a dipole moment when an electric field is applied to the material. From: Nanomaterials, Nanotechnologies and Design, 2009 About this pageSet alert ...
Measuring ferroelectric properties of the smallest achieved BaTiO${}_{3}$ ferroelectric nanoparticles allows for the determination of dipole moment and spontaneous polarization as a function of size and concentration; the results are significantly greater than in bulk BaTiO${}_{3}$. This is achieved...
We propose the construction of a set of quantum hydrodynamics equations for the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) where atoms have electric dipole moment (EDM). The contribution of the dipole-dipole interactions (DDI) to the Euler equation is estimated. Quantum equations for the evolution of medium ...
Related to Dipole moments:Molecular dipole moment dipole moment n. 1.The product of either charge in an electric dipole with the distance separating them. 2.The product of the strength of either pole in a magnetic dipole with the distance separating them. ...
Learn about dielectric constant, dipole moment, and about polar and non-polar molecules and dielectric polarization in detail with BYJU'S.
Dipole Moment, Electrical dipole polarization dipole radiation dipole relaxation dipole sound field dipole transition dipole-dipole force dipole-dipole interaction diporpa larva DIPP Dippel's oil dipper dipper dredge dipper stick dipper trip dipping acid ...
Rigorous expressions for the polarization induced by a homogeneous field as well as for the equilibrium dipole moment fluctuations, both as a function of the dielectric constant, are then easily derived for general systems in two and three dimensions. The equations obtained for spherical cutoff ...
dipolemomentoftheunitcellwerecalculated.BycomparingtheintrinsicelectricdipolemomentsoftheX,Y,Z,T,andBsitepolyhedra,it isfoundthattheTsitepolyhedronmakesthegreatestcontributiontothetotalintrinsicdipolemoment.Thepyroelectriccoefficientsoffour Fe-Mgtourmalineswereexperimentallydetermined,andtheinfluenceofintrinsicdipolemoments...
A nucleus also has a dipole magnetic moment and angular momentum, just as an electron circulating around the nucleus does. The protons and the neutrons in the nucleus are, together, the source of the net nuclear magnetic moment. It is the proton moment (because of its charge) that is direc...