In its basic social sense, “diplomacy” is defined as the art of getting along with other people in a sensitive, tactful, and effective manner. In its political sense, diplomacy is the art of conducting polite, non-confrontational negotiations between representatives, knows as “diplomats,” of...
Vaccine diplomacy is a soft power tool (Gauttam et al. 2020). As defined by Nye (2008, p. 94), soft power is the ‘ability to affect others to obtain the outcomes one wants through attraction rather than coercion’. Measuring the effects of soft power is challenging (Yun 2018; Seymour...
Human rights and humanitarian diplomacy is defined as thenegotiating, bargaining, and advocating process associated with the promotion and protection of international human rights and humanitarian principles. ... International human rights law places a duty on states to promote and protect those entitleme...
British diplomats may be attempting to rally domestic support for the continued opposition to Russia by insinuating that today’s Russia is no different then yesterday’s Russia and that the current struggle against Russia is merely the continuation of the Cold War by other means. Russia is a kn...
Track One and a Half Diplomacy is defined as public or private interactions between official representatives of conflicting governments or political entities such as popular armed movements, which is facilitated or mediated by a third party not representing a political organization or institution. This ...
the machinery appears to have been neither adequate nor standardized. Diplomacy was still the diplomacy of the court; its object was to promote the interests of the sovereign abroad by various means, direct or devious, fair or foul; and its standards were low and ill-defined (Palmer and Perki...
Accordingly, corporate diplomacy is defined as "the corporate activities of multinational com- panies, which are directed at the host country's key stakeholders and aimed at participating in decision-making processes on relevant socio-political issues and building relationships in order to gain ...
amorphous of the three concepts, but it is not airy-fairy and fuzzy. In fact, it can be defined or understood as a collectivity of the norms, customs, characteristics, traditions, artistic expression and behaviour of human groups. It’s transmitted through social learning, which I think is ...
Having defined the concept of parliamentary diplomacy, the development of interaction between the European Parliament (EP) and the National Assembly of Republic of Korea, Korean National Assembly (KNA) is being analysed. Their bilateral relations began in 1994 and further deepened in 2004 when the ...
“One country, two systems is the best-intentioned plan for the Taiwan compatriots” China’s “cross-strait” media have been full of it this week: the “Zhongshan Forum,” “a cross-Strait forum focusing on exchanges and cooperation between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan” according to th...