澳大利亚的TAFE课程大多是当地紧缺的职业,在澳洲本地就业相对容易,如果专业是在澳洲技术移民紧缺的名单上,毕业后仍有机会从事技术移民。 部份课程简介: 一、课程名称:Diploma of Leadership and Management 以提高学生的管理能力为重点,课程需12个月(含假期)完成,毕业后工作方向为:经理、客服经理、领队、主管、行政协调...
The consequences of the nullity of an invalid reservation gave rise to two conflicting theses, the first beingthethesisofseverability, according to which the author of an invalid reservation was bound by the treaty without the benefit of its reservation, and the second beingthethesisof“pure consen...
- Advanced Diploma of Government (Management) Management Courses: - Certificate IV in Project Management - Certificate IV in Frontline Management - Certificate IV in Human Resources - Diploma of Business - Diploma of Human Resource Management - Diploma of Retail Management - Diploma of Government (Ma...