QCA NQF Level 3 descriptors Table 6: CACHE unit weighting Table 7: CACHE grade performance by point score Table 8: Edexcel GCE A level Health and Social Care Table 9: Edexcel GCE A level Health and Social Care performance descriptions Table 10: Health and Social Care A level un...
Level4DiplomainWinesandSpirits. Themainpartofthedocumentisadetailedstatementoflearningoutcomes.These outcomesshouldbeusedbyproviderstoprepareprogrammesoflearning,andbycandidates toplantheirstudies,becausetheexaminationissettotesttheseoutcomes. Thespecificationalsoprovidessyllabusweighting,studyandexaminationguidanceincluding ...
The Level 3 Diploma is designed to meet the following aims: • enhance learners' capacity to learn and develop those abilities and skills which lead to self-reliant learning • develop learners' critical awareness of the contemporary visual world and its broader cultural context • develop ...