Bachelor of Education([Specialty] Teaching) 奥克兰大学 Graduate Diploma in Teaching(Early Childhood Education) 坎特伯雷大学 Graduate Diploma in Education and Learning(Early Childhood) 新西兰高等教育学院 Graduate Diploma in Teaching(Early Childhood Education) 新西兰国立中部理工学院 Master of Teaching Early Chi...
The module was a component of a Postgraduate Diploma in Third Level Learning and Teaching for lecturers from a range of higher education institutions in the Republic of Ireland. The online delivery took the form of using a range of ... R Donnelly - Dublin Institute of Technology 被引量: 12...
14 - 第二学科的教学 - Teaching of a Second Subject# 15 - STEM教育简介 - Introduction to STEM Education 16 - 学校管理与决策 - School Management & Decision Making 17 - 课堂上的行动学习 - Action Learning in the Classroom 18 - 香港的教育制度和政策 - Education System & Policy in Hong Kong...
北京时间3月27日晚十点(英国时间当日下午四点),剑桥大学国际考评部(Cambridge Assessment International Education)发来邮件,正式批准北外国际开设由剑桥大学认证的教师发展课程——Cambridge International Diploma in Teaching & Learning。这标志着作为剑桥授权的教师职业发展资格认证中心,北外国际完成了对PDQs课程(Pr...
This study explored the perceptions of Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) students' towards the teaching profession. Underpinned by the interpretive framework, this study employed a qualitative design, which entails the interpretation of lived experiences that shape and manifest in participants' ...
1.(Education) a document conferring a qualification, recording success in examinations or successful completion of a course of study official document that confers an honour or privilege [C17: from Latin: official letter or document, literally: letter folded double, from Greek; see diplo-]...
The role and professional responsibilities of teachers Planning and assessing learning Strategies for effective teaching Managing learners in the classroom Career development in education and training. Should you need additional information or have questions regarding the HEOA information provided for this titl...
Educational Support will help you to make a difference in education. Envision yourself entering the field of education as a certified teaching assistant. In such a scenario, this free online course is a valuable help, as it offers the skills and ability you need to succeed in this line of ...
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Teaching Chinese as a Second Language) 🌟全日制学习都是一年的时长,培养方向的话有两个,一个是无具体科目方向,一个是专门针对对外汉语教学的。 🌟申请要求其实不是很高,本科是相关专业背景或者有全职的工作经验即可。
课程名称:Graduate Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Teaching 学制: 1年 入学时间:7月和10月 校区: Hawthorn 总学费:$30040 申请门槛:本科学士学位 语言要求:雅思(总分 6.5, 单项 6.0或同等级) 而且,学校还会提供优渥的奖学金哦! 南十字星大学:5000澳币 ...