Course Outline for Higher National Diploma in Cooperative StudiesFederal Cooperative Colleges
Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan (ICMA Pakistan) is one of the leading professional accounting organizations, established in 1951 and granted statutory status in 1966 under an Act of Parliament for the regulation of the profession of Cost and Management Accountants in Pakistan....
course contentthis c 3、ourse is a survey of the basic principles and concepts used in the financial management of a business enterprise addressed from both theoretical and practical standpoints. upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:1. differentiate finance from ...
“Why produce a course?” Is just one of the questions this course answers as it lays down the foundations of course creation and instructs you on how producing online learning materials can add value to a business. You’ll also learn what common elements make for a successful online course...
The aim of this courseis to make the students confident to use common statistical and spreadsheetcomputer packages in business environment OutlineSyllabus: Datamanagement in SPSS (data entry and definition, retrieving and saving SPSSfiles, transforming data and creating new variables), summarizing data ...
Business Management for the IB Diploma This comprehensive new book, available as both print and e-book, has been written by the highly experienced author, Ellie Tragakes, and has been designed for class use and independent study. The text includes in-depth analysis of all top... AW Smith,P...
Co 4、urse Content This course is a survey of the basic principles and concepts used in the financial management of a business enterprise addressed from both theoretical and practical standpoints. Upon Successful Completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Differentiate finance ...
Being a personal trainer has been rated one of the fastest growing professions in the world. A Personal Trainer Diploma course also allows you to obtain valuable skills while at the same time making a real difference to your current or future clients’ h
Finance professionals work in almost every industry from non-profit to high finance. Course material starts with the basics and moves to more advanced content, covering Microsoft Office applications, financial and managerial accounting, payroll, business communications, and career management. Whether you ...
Group 3 : Economics/ Business Management / Psychology/ Digital society / ESS Group 4 : Physics / Chemistry / Biology/ Computer Science / ESS Group 5 : Mathematics : Analysis and Approaches HL / SL,Mathematics : Applications and Interpretations HL / SL ...