spastic aphonia痉挛性失音,痉挛性失音 相似单词 diplegian. 双侧瘫痪 spastica. 抽筋的,痉挛 n. 麻痹患者 最新单词 closing a file or device是什么意思关闭文件或设备 closing a commitment是什么意思结束约定 closing (铸造用)的中文意思合型 closewise tube是什么意思及反义词闭塞管 ...
Spastic diplegia, historically known as Little's Disease, is a form of cerebral palsy (CP) that is a neuromuscular condition of hypertonia and spasticity in the muscles of the lower extremities of the human body, usually those of the legs, hips and pelvis. Doctor William John Little's first...
Saul Wylie was diagnosed with spastic diplegia cerebral palsy when he was 18 months and is unable to walk or stand unaided. LONG SAUL FLIGHT; Family to fly to US so boy can have op to help him to walk A MUM-OF-TWO who works full-time, despite having cerebral palsy spastic diplegia, ...
美音[dai'pli:dʒiə] ; 名词 双侧瘫痪 英语解释 paralysis of corresponding parts on both sides of the body 相似短语 masticatory diplegia【医】 两侧嚼肌瘫 infantile diplegia【医】 婴儿双瘫, 产伤瘫痪 cerebral diplegia大脑性双瘫 spastic diplegia痉挛性大脑性两侧瘫,痉挛性大脑性两侧瘫,痉挛性双瘫,痉...
4.spastic diplegia 痉挛性双瘫;痉挛型双边麻痹;痉挛型双瘫 5.ataxic diplegia 失调型双瘫 6.facial diplegia syndrome 两侧面瘫综合征 7.cerebral atonic diplegia 称脑性无张力性双侧瘫 8.cerebral spastic diplegia 性双侧瘫 9.infantile diplegia 婴儿双瘫 10.masticatory diplegia 咀嚼肌双瘫用法...
Select a language: di·ple·gi·a n.diplejía, parálisis bilaterial; facial ___→___ facial, parálisis de ambos lados de la cara; spastic ___→___ espástica. English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a li...
doi:10.1203/00006450-198704010-00710Palmer, F BShapiro, B KWachtel, R CHiller, JAllen, M CHarryman, STislenko, LMelnert, CCapute, A JPediatric Research
Nachträgliche Bemerkung zu der in Heft 4 dieses Bandes beschriebenen Reflexbewegung bei der Diplegia spastica infantilisCopyright: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be translated into other languages, reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or ...
The main aim of our study was to evaluate psychopathology in mothers of children with global developmental delay due to spastic diplegia. We also assessed the impact of intervention of the child on the psychological state of the mother over a 12 month follow up. Materials and methods: 60 ...