Beale, MA, Shearer, WT, Karl, MM, Robson, AM (1977) Long term effects of dioxin exposure. Lancet I: pp. 748Long-term effects of dioxin exposure. Lancet i: 748 - Beale, Shearer, et al. - 1977 () Citation Context ...n, and hematuria. Her symptoms disappeared within several weeks,...
Some of these veterans reported skin rashes (chloracne), cancer, psychological symptoms, birth defects in their children, and other health issues (IOM, 2020). Agriculture crops and inhabited villages were also sprayed, resulting in the exposure of Vietnamese residents. Many of them continue to ...
If the exposure limits are exceeded, irritation or other symptoms are experienced, use a full-face respirator. Thermal hazards no data available SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties Information on basic physicochemical properties Physical stateLiquid ...
D. 1979. The effect of perinatal exposure to tetrachlorodibenzo- p-dioxin on the immune response of young mice. Drug Chem. Toxicol. 2:77-98.Peter T. Thomas,Ronald D. Hinsdill.The Effect of Perinatal Exposure to Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin on the Immune Response of Young Mice[J]. Drug ...
Exposure to dioxins Dioxins are persistent, toxic and bio-accumulative (PTB) chemicals and because they can be transported over long distances from the source of emission, they are also persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Combustion is considered a major source of the emissions of PCDDs and PCD...
The toxic effects on three young scientists who had transient minimal exposure to 2,3,7,8 tetrachlorodibenzo 1,4 dioxin (dioxin) are described. Two of them suffered from typical chloracne. Delayed symptoms about two years after initial exposure occurred in two of the scientists. These symptoms ...
Patients with Yusho, a condition caused by exposure to PCBs and dioxins, have diverse mental and physical complaints, even though it is almost 50 years since the Yusho incident. Oral pigmentation is one of the major symptoms in Yusho patients....
The toxic effects on three young scientists who had transient minimal exposure to 2,3,7,8 tetrachlorodibenzo 1,4 dioxin (dioxin) are described. Two of them suffered from typical chloracne. Delayed symptoms about two years after initial exposure occurred in two of the scientists. These symptoms ...
In 1976 at Seveso, Italy, a chemical plant explosion occurred, marked in the history as “Seveso disaster”. The accident caused the spreading of over 30 kg of TCDD and other chemicals about 18 square kilometers, which was the highest ever-recorded residential human exposure t...
The effects of exposure to TCDD on measures of current symptoms of depression were evaluated as part of a cross-sectional medical study of 281 production workers and 260 unexposed age, race and community matched referents. Exposure occurred during the production of 2,4,5-trichlorophenol and its...