Null studies regarding an association between AO exposure and AML/MDS are limited in their methodology and application. The acknowledgement that the known carcinogen TCDD was a contaminant in AO when paired with a strong biological plausibility for its leukemogenicity and an observed increased risk ...
Dictionary Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to dioxin:digoxin,furan Graphic Thesaurus🔍 DisplayON AnimationON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> hydrocarbon Agent Orange dioxin noun Words related to dioxin nounany of several toxic or carcinogenic hydrocarbons that occur as impurities in her...
The prospect of exposure to TCDD from Agent Orange in ground troops in Vietnam seems unlikely in light of the environmental dissipation of TCDD, little bioavailability, and the properties of the herbicides and circumstances of application that occurred. Photochemical degradation of TCDD and limited bio...
However, in a subsample of the whole cohort (n = 1024), which was used to determine the relationship between exposure and cognitive development, no associations with exposure and verbal/nonverbal IQ were found. In the previously mentioned highly polluted area in Vietnam, recent data show that ...
A total of 185 mother-and-child pairs previously enrolled in a birth cohort in dioxin-contaminated areas participated in this survey, conducted when the children reached 3 years of age. Perinatal dioxin exposure levels in the children were estimated using dioxin levels in maternal breast milk after...
of Agent Orange. Due to exposure to dioxin-based herbicide Agent Orange used during the Vietnam War, veterans brought home a change in their DNA. This change having been passed down through the generations, their children are still suffering from incurable illnesses and debilitating deformity today...
In 1976 at Seveso, Italy, a chemical plant explosion occurred, marked in the history as “Seveso disaster”. The accident caused the spreading of over 30 kg of TCDD and other chemicals about 18 square kilometers, which was the highest ever-recorded residential human exposure t...
Agent Orange- a herbicide used in the Vietnam War to defoliate forest areas hydrocarbon- an organic compound containing only carbon and hydrogen Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
Although most Agent Orange studies have focused on American veterans, many Vietnamese had greater exposure. Because health consequences of dioxin contamination are more likely to be found in Vietnamese living in Vietnam than in any other populations, Vietnam provides a unique setting for dioxin ...
Preliminary research has evaluated adipose tissue analysis test's ability to document exposure to Agent Orange, a dioxin-containing defoliant used during the Vietnam War. Researchers believe that the adipose tissue test may help document exposure because chemicals such as dioxin are not metabolized by...