Entrez le nom ou la référence du produit. Vous aimerez aussi Sauvage Elixir Élixir - notes épicées, fraîches et boisées J'adore Eau de Parfum Eau de parfum - notes florales et sensuelles Miss Dior Eau de Parfum Eau de parfum - notes veloutées et sensuell...
Dive into the world of Dior beauty - explore a luxurious range of cosmetics, makeup, fragrances, skincare, and gifts from the legendary brand.
品牌发布|Dior & Dior Beauty - 𝘪𝘯𝘴 Dior & Dior Bueaty发布共创贴,释出《Inside the Dream》预告片,内含雨昕片段———👍🏻+🍎,Let’s go! 🩵🩵🩵 @刘雨昕 #迪奥品牌大使刘雨昕#
男的 郎朗和吉娜俩夫妻、王俊凯、刘宪华、于适、邓为、余景天 封面,dior官号认领 女的 迪丽热巴、刘雨昕、杨采钰、周也 封面,dior和diorbeauty共创 再发一个预览图 最后可以根据这个出场顺序表对一对,谁被漏掉了?似乎女的很多都没认领,男的都有🥲 关于international和global,粉丝给我私信的,大家自己看吧赞 ...
Dior Beauty offers comprehensive lines of makeup and skincare products, including its premium skincare line Dior Prestige. Labbrand, the leading China-originated global brand consultancy, worked closely with Dior to create the Chinese brand name 迪奥花秘瑰萃 [dí ào huā mì guī cuì] for its...
美肤之余,迪奥老花霜还能成为一件精巧的时尚单品。 扁平圆身设计,便于持握同时还不过多占用包内空间,轻巧便捷,再加以品牌经典老花元素的加持,更显摩登时尚。 品牌官方图 日常通勤、出游玩耍,也别忘记时刻呵护肌肤细节!解锁DIOR迪奥老花霜多样用法,玩转护肤新概念,肌肤细节尽在「掌」握。
It's not just a blush; it's a makeup staple that elevates your natural beauty. **A Natural Makeup Must-Have** Embrace the natural makeup movement with our Watercolor Liquid Blush. It's a natural makeup must-have that complements your skin's natural radiance. The blendability and ...
我看了下给朗朗的是Dior Global Ambassador,给热巴的是Dior International Fashion and Beauty ... momo 三字新认领有加china,终于发出来啦,以前没有吗 赞(4) 回复 momo 2024-09-05 14:01:45 中国香港 三字新认领有加china,终于发出来啦,以前没有吗 momo 我觉得这个china表示的有点模糊,但是从并列...