Dior Addict Lip Glow Oil softens and revitalizes lips while enhancing them with a glossy finish. Its non-greasy, non-sticky texture pushes the boundaries of shine and creates a smoothing film that shapes the lips with a mirror-shine effect. An Intense lip Care Formula This lip oil infused...
💗 我一直对Dior的产品不感兴趣,但闺蜜送了我一支Dior家的变色唇膏Dior Addict Lip Glow Color。昨天一试,就彻底被它吸引了! 🌸 淡粉色的少女粉外壳,颜值爆表!不仅滋润度极佳,还能根据不同人的唇部pH值变色。在我的嘴上,颜色从淡粉色渐渐变深,最后变成淡淡的玫瑰红。 🌹 我用的是001Pink色号,颜色淡雅...
Even richer,* this new** range of shades is designed to meet the needs of women and men based on their desires and skin tone. The Dior Addict Lip Glow lip balm is still infused at its core with color reviver technology that adapts to...
Dior Addict Lip Maximizer | 001 Pink Dior Addict Lacquer Stick | 524 Coolista Dior Addict Lip Glow | 012 Rosewood ️丰唇蜜001 Pink•透明粉色,涂上有清凉感,滋润度高但稍粘,需小心沾发。搭配唇釉使用,能让嘴唇看起来更加饱满,具有嘟嘟唇的妆感。 ️经典奶茶色524 Coolista•带肉桂奶茶色...
#试色功课# Dior Addict Lip Glow 系列 根据唇部pH而变化色彩,含有芒果脂与树莓精油萃取,保持唇部持久整天的滋润饱满。 - 经典Dewy水光滋润系列扩充为六色,试色左起: 001 Pink 透明浅粉色 004 Coral 粉橘...
外文名称:Christian Dior; Lip Color; Dior Addict Lip Glow Reviving Lip Balm - #001 Pink --3.2g/0.11oz 条形码:3348901550628 品牌:Dior 规格:3.2g 色号:#001 温馨提示WARM PROMPT 根据国际相关法令规定,“保质期超过30个月的化妆品无需强制标明保质期。对于此类产品,应标明产品开封后可安全使用且不会对消...
Dior Addict Lip Glow #001 Pink, Colour Reviver Balm - 0.11oz 4.7 stars out of 100 reviews (4.7)|100 ratings 000 Clear, $40.00000 ClearSee more seller options Multicolor, $18.90Multicolor$18.90 About this item Provides a subtle touch of pink color while moisturizing and ...
Dior Addict Lip Glow 2018年春季新色试色 素颜或化妆打底都能使用的国民润唇膏,含有芒果脂等成分保持唇部持久保湿,将唇部原本的唇色变得更粉嫩,现在更推出哑光与珠光两种全新妆效,将该系列扩充为10色。 试...
建议:如果你正在寻找一款具有多重功效,同时又能保持持久滋润,又自然美丽的唇膏,可以考虑迪奥魅惑润唇膏 #001粉色3.5g。它的智能变色功能会让你的唇色与众不同,值得尝试。 小编说: 达令网目前售价219元,可以使用本站满199减50元优惠券,用券后实付169元包邮,想比上次推荐又价低一些,另外还有橘色款也是同价可选...
Dior Addict Lip Glow Oil - 001 Pink $10.00 shipping,3-5 days Available pre-owned from$25.99 Show 8 pre-owned products Walmart Sold by: world of toys inc, Christian Dior Dior Addict Lip Glow Oil - 001 Pink 0.2 oz Lip Oil Lowest price ...