Unlike some effective procedures, which have only logical interest, this one can actually be carried out in practice, at least with the aid of a computer ([3], [5]). There are, however, older methods for dealing with problems of this kind which, while not effective, very often lead ...
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指数Diophantine方程本原商高数Je(s)manowicz猜想设(a,b,c)是一组满足a2+ b2=c2,gcd(a,b)=1,2|b的本原商高数,运用初等数论方法讨论方程(an)x+(bn)y=(cn)z正整数解(x,y,z,n),证明了:当(a,b,c)=(143,24,145)时,方程仅有正整数解(x,y,z,n)=(2,2,2,m),其中m是任意正整数,...
关于不定方程x2-kxy+y2+px=0%On the Diophantine Equation x2-kxy + y2 + px =0不定方程正整数解必要条件连分数展开二次剩余同余设p为奇素数.讨论了不定方程x2-kxy+y2+ px=0,给出了这类方程求解的一些必要条件.管训贵泰州学院数理学院数学的实践与认识...