Diocese of Rockville CentreEnglish Language Arts Scope
The Diocese of Rockville Centre names director of institutional advancementHenry E. Powderly II
Charles M. Trunz III joins Diocese of Rockville CentreBernadette Starzee
Pope Names Barres to Lead Rockville Centre DioceseJones, Bart
Another Boston priest chosen to head a diocese.(Bishop William F. Murphy appointed to Rockville Centre)(Brief Article)Donovan, Gill
2 minutes with Laura Cassell, chief executive, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Rockville CentreClaude Solnik
天主教罗克维尔中心教区 (拉丁语:Diocesis Petropolitana in Insula Longa、英语:Roman Catholic Diocese of Rockville Centre)是美国一个罗马天主教教区,属纽约总教区。范围包括纽约州纳苏郡、苏福克县 ,教座位于罗克维尔中心。2010年有教友1,518,789人、一百卅三个堂区、446名司铎。现任教区主教为威廉默菲...