Dinosaurs: Created by Michael Jacobs, Bob Young. With Stuart Pankin, Allan Trautman, Jessica Walter, Leif Tilden. This show follows the life of a family of dinosaurs, living in a modern world. They have televisions, refrigerators, et cetera. The only hum
"When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth" is sometimes described as a sequel to "One Million Years B.C" from four years earlier, although it does not contain any of the same characters. Both films were, however, made by Hammer Films, and both are based around the premise that early humans coexist...
This website isnotaimed at children (including hatchlings, juveniles and subadults). So if you’re looking forcute and cuddlydinosaurs like “Barney” or the lovable characters from Disney’sDinosaurandThe Land Before Timemovies, I strongly suggest that you go to someone else’s “dinosaur web...
audiences must have thought he'd be among the first casualties when they inevitably broke loose. However, Blue and the other Velociraptors would emerge as a driving force in theJurassic Worldtrilogy and among its most developed characters. ...
Gary has a dirty sock in his laundry, and it is mentioned that Earl owns a shoe tree, despite the fact that neither of them, like the majority of characters on the show, wear shoes. Quotes Earl: I know they just crawled out of the sludge and I hate to be critical of other life ...
When it comes to popular long-running shows, one would hope the screenwriters could keep their characters’ names in check. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen for one Mrs. Wilma Flintstone. If you recall, the show mentions Wilma’s maiden name a few times, but depending on which episode yo...
Hire Star Wars Characters & Props CLICK HEREto find out more!OREmail us for a Quote Want to Hire some Dinosaurs but you’re worried about what they might do?Well a huge dinosaur can be scary… but don’t worry we have a Wrangler to keep our beasts from eating too many of your guests...
I've always been a fan of the show Dinosaurs, so I decided to give it a shot. Robbie's dinosaur beak is originally a dragon mouth piece which was
It had interesting stories and many likable characters. Unfortunately, the same day that this show debuted, the Krofft brothers unleashed there masterpiece "Land of the Lost". In fact, that show aired at exactly the same time as this one and quickly overshadowed "Valley". This was pretty ...
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs: Created by Steven E. de Souza. With David Keeley, Susan Roman, Bruce Tubbe, Dawn Greenhalgh. The adventures of the human survivors in a future dinosaur dominated world.