Dinosaur Park: A one-stop destination for parents and kids! Celebrate the New Year with a transformed Dinosaur Park! Check out the incredibly lifelike 12 Zodiac animal lantern exhibition. Let the kids loose in the Jurassic Snow World, a winter wonderland where they can enjoy playing and shovel...
Very good, came to Yunnan to play, thought of the children, there are many dinosaur fossils, and the children came out to experience it personally, and said to me, "Dad, I have done a great thing, it is very meaningful." There are also professional tour guides ...
Every parent at the party commented on the terrific decorations. I was especially pleased with FREE T-rex birthday dinosaurs banner I got for the party. We had all of the kids sit in front of the banner and took a picture of all my sons guests in front of it. Tyrannosaurus rex was re...
Interesting for Dino lovers. This was a place we thought the grandkids would like as they are 2 & 4 YO and they are into dinosaurs in a big way. I would say they were a bit too young to appreciate this exhibit. They were expecting to see more dinosaurs, real or fake, and t...
Finally (and I debated whether to include this in the 'bad' section) there are relatively fewer rides for kids under 8, but again my kids were at an age that they still loved just seeing the displays and museums and getting some toys from the gift shop and had a good ...
Just because restaurants are opening back up for indoor dining, DON’T DO IT! Just because gatherings are now sanctioned, DON’T DO IT! Movies, museums, concerts, communal worship, all kinds of normal activities we’ve dearly missed over the last six months are now opening back up again....
Marley and Bob say they became interested in archaeology (考古学) from studying history at school, going to museums and watching Human Histories! They also go to the Young Archaeologists’ Club and they do digs at archaeological ...
But as nice as those museums are, in historical terms those mounts are brand new, and they have not shaped the public – and professional – conception ofApatosaurusandDiplodocusto anywhere near the same degree as the much smaller specimens mounted at Yale, AMNH, the Field Museum, and so on...