We’re fans of the Minneapolis indie alt-rock band whose third studio release, Vicious Kid, is out now. The band began in late 2016 and has been gradually gaining more attention ever since, named a “Picked to Click” band by former alt-weekly City Pages in 2019. We just caught them ...
Early on into Marvel Snap, players will realize that the most powerful cards are limited by their Energy cost to force their use to the later rounds of a game, but cards such as Wave alter this mindset by reducing that cost and opening up new strategies. The 3 Energy 3 Power character ...
Jolt Cola! I don’t know if Jolt Cola is still in production, but when I was a kid, this was *the* drink. Debuting in the mid-‘80s, Jolt’s deal was that it had “twice the caffeine” of normal soda. Between that and its insanely great name, Jolt was our “special occasion”...
Looking at the head it is a shame that it was never given an update, something Carnegie would eventually do for the tyrant king. Nope, the head on thisAllosaurusis nothing short of a rectangular block of rubber with a pink paintjob inside the mouth and painted on teeth. The rest of the...
The special hologram cards from the first series stayed valuable for a long time, so I’m sure I wasn’t the only kid who “doubled my efforts” during Round 2… which of course featuredmore special hologram cards. Those things were as good as money at the time, and you could trade ...
mother is dying. That kid just made fun of for being bald?...He has . Put this as yourbio if you are against bullying--- ok so from the firstday that I met you I thought that you were very kindand sweet and veryyy pretty an di never thought that we would become ...
1992 was an interesting year for me. I was still very much a kid, but the climate of junior high had a way of pressuring me away from “baby” stuff in favor of more “mature” arenas… like comic books, dumbass sneakers and TV shows about space aliens. No, it didn’t make any...