20. Grilled beer brats with kraut Thinkeasy birthday dinner ideasshould be light on the number of ingredients? This one only has 10 on the list, many of which are optional if you want to do without. Serves:12 Total time:1 hour and 20 minutes ...
Cate is home for spring break and made us dinner the last two nights. It was awesome! MONDAY: Indian food night, thanks toMaya Kaimal(chicken, paneer, peas, lentils…all the good stuff!) TUESDAY: Chicken pot pie WEDNESDAY: Tomato soupandgrilled cheese THURSDAY: Breakfast for dinner: Potato...
Beer bratswith salad FRIDAY: Leftovers SATURDAY: Takeout night SUNDAY: Bistro chickenwith mashed potatoes and steamed veggie (whatever looks good when I go to the store!) Please share your own menu in the comments below!I am so grateful for your help and inspiration week after week!
I’m smack dab in the middle of some atypical weeks. This past week we went to Park City for Spring Break, and now I’m on the East Coast touring a couple of colleges with Cate. SOOOO…not much cooking and a whole lot of flexibility happening. But I wanted to put up a quick post...