When I'd go out with thedinghy, manta ray would escort me, dolphins. 当我划着小舢板出海时, 蝠鲼和海豚会为我护航. 期刊摘选 Our littledinghywas dwarfed by the big yacht. 我们的小船跟大游艇一比显得很小. 辞典例句 The men collected rainwater in rubberdinghy. ...
dinghy是什么意思 音标: 英 ['dɪŋɪ] 美 [ˈdɪŋɪ] n. 小船, 橡皮筏, 小艇 n. a small boat of shallow draft with cross thwarts for seats and rowlocks for oars with which it is propelled dinghy的用法和例句: 1.Murr, I'm having issues with mydinghy....
美[ˈdɪŋi] 英[ˈdɪŋɡi] n.小艇;敞篷小船;小舢板 网络救生筏;小游艇;橡皮艇 复数:dinghies 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 dinghy 显示所有例句 n. 1. 小艇;敞篷小船;小舢板a small open boat that you sail or row
They rescued him, then winched on board his battered dinghy.(他们解救了他,然后用绞车把他那受损的小艇吊上了甲板。) Motorized dinghy really floats!(电动小艇真浮!) As they climbed into the dinghy, it began to list violently.(当他们登上救生艇时,救生艇开始剧烈地倾斜。) Little by little ...
英英释义 a small boat of shallow draft with cross thwarts for seats and rowlocks for oars with which it is propelled 访问沪江小D查看dinghy的更多详细解释> 词形变化 复数: dinghies 相关短语 N. N. N. N. N. N. culture medium 【医】 N.N.N.培养基(含琼脂、盐、兔血,用以培养黑热病病原...
dinghy的意思、解释 复数形式:dinghies; dinghy 基本解释 dinghy 名词救生艇; 无篷小船,小艇 dinghy的解释 dinghy 网络解释 1. dinghy在线翻译 1. 小型船只:deck planking 甲板外缘 | dinghy 小型船只 | disqualification 失格 2. dinghy 2. 橡皮艇:patriot---爱国者 | dinghy---橡皮艇 | sabre---骑兵 ...
Portland Pudgy is a rugged unsinkable safety dinghy you can row, motor, sail, and even use as a lifeboat. It is the ideal yacht tender to tow or stow.
Dinghy一般是指单体船,不包含有多个船体的多体船。由于它的体积尺寸较少,因此制作成本非常低。 与传统的蓝水航行或大帆船相比,小帆船的驾乘体验有其独特之处。有的小帆船追求速度,而另一些小帆船追求在海上的舒适程度。小帆船一般是用于内陆水域或近岸水域,但是也有资深的水手可以在情况更复杂的外海驾驶小帆船。
“dinghy”的中文翻译 词典解释 美音:[ ] 英音:[ ] 名词n. 1. 小船;小艇 2. (船上的)救生艇