定喘止咳胶囊 【汉语拼音】Dingchuan Zhike Jiaonang 【主要成分】麻黄、杏仁、厚朴、紫苏叶、陈皮、柴胡、甘草。 【性状】本品为硬胶囊,内容物为棕褐色的颗粒;味苦、微甜。 【功能主治】 宣肺平喘,理气止咳。用于风寒喘咳,胸腹胀满,亦可用于支气管哮喘,支气管炎。 【用法与用量】 口服。一次4粒,一日2次,小儿...
拼音名:DingchuanZhikeTangjiang 标准编号:WS3-B-2548-97 【处方】 麻黄 300g 杏仁 400g 厚朴 300g 陈皮300g 柴胡 200g 紫苏叶 300g 甘草200g 【制法】 以上七味,麻黄、陈皮、厚朴、紫胡、紫苏叶提取挥发油,药渣与甘草、苦杏仁加水煎煮二次,第一次2小时,第二次1小时,合并煎液,静置24小时,滤过,滤液...
Dingchuan Zhike decoctionAirway remodelingInflammationPARC/CCL-18 pathwaysObjective:To study the effect of inhalant combined with Dingchuan Zhike decoction therapy on the airway remodeling, inflammation and PARC/CCL-18 pathways in patients with cough variant asthma.Methods: A total of 60 patients with ...
Objective To formulate the HPLC method of content determination of the Dingchuan Zhike Syrup.Methods The chromatography:Ultimate-XB C18 column(250 mm × 4.6 mm,5 μm); Mobile phase:methanol-0.02 mol/L sodium dihydrogen phosphate buffer(p H = 3.0,containing 0.4% of triethylamine)(96 : 4); ...
Objective: To analyze the effect of Zhike dingchuan decoction on surfactant protein expression in model rats with cough variant asthma(CVA). Methods: The 50 SD rats were randomly divided into control group,model group, low-dose Zhike dingchuan decoction group, middle-dose group and high-dose gr...
定喘-中药 定喘-方剂 化痰定喘-方剂 止嗽定喘-方剂 止咳 止咳-中药 止咳-方剂 止咳嗽-中药 止咳嗽-方剂 补肺止咳-中药 化痰止咳-中药 化痰止咳-方剂 敛肺止咳-中药 平喘止咳-中药 清肺止咳-中药 清热止咳-中药 祛风止咳-中药 祛痰止咳-中药 润肺止咳-中药 润肺止咳-方剂 宣肺止咳-中药 止咳化痰-中药 止咳化...
将蛋清入浅汤盆中,用筷子打至起细浓泡沫,加入干淀粉30克,拌匀,再放入红米汁拌成红色。[美食中国] https://www.bmcx.com/ 功效: 补脾和胃,止咳定喘。适用于哮喘、慢性支气管炎、肺结核等。健康人经常食用能防病延年。 服法: 每日2次,随量食。
先将山药煎取清汤一大碗,再将两汁及生鸡子黄调入,分3次温饮之,不可过热。过热则鸡子黄熟而效大减。[美食中国] 功效: 润肺止咳,收涩益阴。适宜于由于津亏液少而致肺燥的干咳不止,缠绵不愈,渐至咳喘并发,口干舌燥者。 电脑版-手机版- 自适应
(n=30)who received inhalant combined with Dingchuan Zhike decoction treatment according to single-blind randomized controlled method,and the treatment lasted for 6months.Before treatment and after 6months of treatment,high-resolution CT was used to determine the airway remodeling index levels,RIA ...