The medicinal properties of Kudingcha were reported in “Ben Cao Shi Yi” of the Tang Dynasty, including clearing the thirst and phlegm, resolving hydropsia, refreshing the mind, and improving the eyesight. In the encyclopedia “Ben Cao Gang Mu” of the Ming Dynasty, Kudingcha was described...
BgablanSeBilvainogceapoeinig-avors-eTpgvoTe-noepSrvseecpfoccricseohnrvIoihlofeocniveTnnenvxfIoieol,cnicelIKcnleoNxlechoeu,cgexoKgndTeNy,riyo,ueKntNolhNcCdgCuorhiecoongdtoorhnhr.ginyra,.ntoe,tchLhrghlLConetacetdorhgdrn..any,,., Molecules 2016, 21, 1728 12 of 14 Vietnam (S8, voucher ...