Facebook Twitter Comments Print Email By Henry Fernandez FOXBusinessVideo President Donald Trump’s decision to pardon Dinesh D'Souza was to correct an injustice, according to Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano. “If you look at the record objectively, this is simp...
In this pathbreaking book, bestselling author Dinesh D’Souza argues that the socialism advanced today by the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bernie Sanders, Ilhan Omar and Elizabeth Warren is very different from the socialism of Lenin, Mao and Castro. It is “identity socialism,” a ...
there, it’s easy enough to visit Kenya, in a rallying cry to those who believe the president was born there, and harass Obama’s half-brother — behaviour that, for obvious reasons, would be untenable for all but the most unashamedly racist of white men, but accessible to D’Souza. He...
Dinesh S. Thakur is a public health activist focussed on improving the quality of affordable medicines across the globe. He current focus is to improve health policy in the United States and in India. He is an expert and accomplished entrepreneur in pharmaceuticals, biomedical product development, ...
丹尼埃尔·迪索萨(Danielle D’Souza) 好友: 温迪·伊丽莎白·朗(Wendy Elizabeth Long) 成长经历 迪内希·约瑟夫·迪索萨出生在一个印度的中产家庭。他的父母都是印度西部果阿邦的罗马天主教徒,这在印度社会中并不多见。他的父亲曾经是强生公司的高管,母亲是家庭主妇。迪索萨在孟买的圣斯坦尼斯洛斯高中上学,接受...