Dinas Tenaga Kerja Dan Transmigrasi Province of Sulawesi Utara (North Sulawesi Disnakertrans) is a government organization established based on the Presidential Regulation Number. 18 of 2015 which discusses the Ministry of Manpower, Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration has the task of regulating go...
PENGUKURAN MOTIVASI KERJA PANITIA PENGADAAN BARANG ATAU JASA PEMERINTAH (Studi Kasus Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Tengah)Improvment Job Motivation need to organization for better job. Aims this reserach is redesign job ofprocurement comitte in Dinas Pendidikan Propinsi Jawa Tengah for improving job ...
PROSEDUR PELAYANAN PENANGGUHAN UPAH MINIMUM KABUPATEN/KOTA PADA DINAS TENAGA KERJA DAN TRANSMIGRASI PROVINSI JAWA TENGAH The postponement of Minimum Wage Regency/City (UMK) is postpone the payment of wages where at the time, a company not being able to give a right in the for... P Khusna ...
Efektivitas Program Peningkatan Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja dalam Penurunan Pengangguran di Kota Cimahi The thesis entitled "Effectiveness of the Program for Increasing Labor Productivity in Reducing Unemployment in Cimahi City" is a quantitative study that a... R Safitri,AY Mafruhat - 《Bandung Confe...