This study aims to describe the performance of one-stop integrated services at Invesment and One Stop Service (DPMPTSP) in Palembang City, South Sumatra, and to identify the factors that cause decreased the performance, and explore more about the efforts to improve employee performance. The resear...
OPTIMASI PEMANFAATAN ASET GEDUNG BALAI PELATIHAN KESEHATAN DINAS KESEHATAN PROVINSI JAWA BARAT MELALUI STRATEGI PEMASARAN This research on asset optimization through marketing strategies in Balai Pelatihan Kesehatan (BAPELKES) Health Departement of West Java Province. This purpose of this study is to exami...
3 of 2003 which aims to develop Government Organization with electronic based to increase performance and public services more effective and efficient. Be a reference in Surabaya City Government to make policies related to electronic based employee assessment. That's call E-performance program. ...