PENGUKURAN MOTIVASI KERJA PANITIA PENGADAAN BARANG ATAU JASA PEMERINTAH (Studi Kasus Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Tengah)Improvment Job Motivation need to organization for better job. Aims this reserach is redesign job ofprocurement comitte in Dinas Pendidikan Propinsi Jawa Tengah for improving job ...
ANALISIS KINERJA PEGAWAI DINAS PENDIDIKAN PROVINSI JAWA TENGAH (STUDI PENGAMATAN PADA SUB BAGIAN UMUM DAN KEPEGAWAIAN)The purpose of this research is to know the correlation between employee ability, employee motivation, leadership, ... H Hafis,Mochammad Mustam,Rihandoyo Rihandoyo - Diponegoro Unive...
Peranan kredit mikro dan kecil terhadap kinerja usaha kecil dan ekonomi wilayah di Provinsi Jawa Tengah Development of the Indonesian economy can not be separated from the role of micro and small enterprises. This strategic role can be seen from the number of enterprise units, providing employment...