Manajemen e-Government Berbasis Web Model Government-to-Citizen (G2C) Pada Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Provinsi Jawa TengahInformation and Communication Technology/IC become very important in the globalization era. At this time begin to ... R Noviana,S Sulandari,D Lituhayu - Universitas Diponego...
PENGAWASAN OLEH DINAS PERHUBUNGAN PROVINSI RIAU TERHADAP OPERASIONALISASI PELABUHAN PENYEBRANGAN RO-RO DI KOTA DUMAI TAHUN 2012-2013 Problems that occur on Ro-Ro ferry ports of Dumai ie lack warships in the harbor, so that every day many crossings that can not take across in because the capac...