(ISO 1302:2002)Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 1302:2002EN ISO 1302ICS 01.100.01; 17.040.20Ersatz fürDIN ISO 1302:1993-12Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) —Indication of surface texture in technical product documentation(ISO 1302:2002);German version EN ISO 1302:2002Spécification géométriques ...
2002 has the status of a DIN Standard.A comma is used as the decimal marker.National forewordThis standard has been published in accordance with a decision taken by CEN/TC 290 to adopt, withoutalteration, International Standard ISO 1302 as a European Standard.The responsible German body involved...
格式:PDF 页数:51 大小:1.79MB《DIN EN ISO 1302-2002 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Indication of surface texture in technical product documentation (ISO 1302 2002) German version EN ISO 1302 2002《几何产.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《DIN EN ISO 1302-2002 Geometrical Product ...
1 DIN EN ISO 1183-1-2019 2019-09-01 German Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics - Part 1: Immersion method, liquid pycnometer method and titration method (ISO 1183…
Welding and allied processes - Symbolic representation on drawings - Welded joints (ISO 2553:2013); German version EN ISO 2553:2013被代替谱 关系 历史点击打开全屏PDF预览 点击查看大图 标准号 DIN EN ISO 2553:2014 发布 2014年 总页数 70页 发布单位 德国标准化学会 替代标准 DIN EN ISO 2553 E:...
TextinGermanandEnglish Aeronautiqueetespace Designationdestraitementsdesurface- Compositiondesnumerosdidentification,indicationsdanslesdocumentsdedefinition, vuedensemble;Texteenallemandetanglais Gesamtumfang21Seiten NormenausschussBeschichtungsstoffeundBeschichtungen(NAB)imDIN ...
The responsible German body involved in its preparation was the Normenausschu? Technische Grundlagen (Fundamentals in Technology Standards Committee), Technical Committee Geometrische Produktspezifikation und -prüfung. DIN ISO 1302 and DIN EN ISO 13565-1 are the DIN Standards corresponding to ...
DIN EN ISO 1302-2002 几何产品规范(GPS)技术产品文件中对表面结构的说明 (中文版) 在线下单 您的电话: 您的邮箱: 联系我们
DIN 509 Technical drawings –Undercuts –Types and dimensions Technische Zeichnungen –Freistiche –Formen, Maße ©Supersedes DIN 509:1998-06www.beuth.de In case of doubt, the German-language original should be consulted as the authoritative text.Translation by DIN-Sprachendienst.Document ...
April 1998Geometrische Produktspezifikationen (GPS)Oberflächenbeschaffenheit: T astschnittverfahrenRegeln und Verfahren für die Beurteilung derOberflächenbeschaffenheit(ISO 4288 : 1996) Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 4288 : 1997DINEN ISO 4288ICS 17.040.20? Ersatz fürDIN 4775 : 1982-06Deskriptoren...