Fasteners, used in a wide range of industries, including energy, electronics, electrical appliances, machinery, chemical, metallurgical, mold, hydraulic and other industries, in a variety of machinery, equipment, vehicles, ships, railways, Bridges, buildings, structures, ...
393 DIN EN ISO 4263-3-2016 2016-05-01 German Petroleum and related products - Determination of the ageing behaviour of inhibited oils and fluids using the TOST test - Part 3: Anhydrous procedure for synthetic hydraulic fluids (ISO 4263-3:2015); German version EN ISO 4263-3:2015 394 DIN ...
diagram, Doneen’s chart and others. The results of all surface and ground water samples analysis show that the characteristics and concentrations of all the major physical and chemical parameters such as pH, EC, TDS, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Fetotal, Cl−, HCO3−, CO32−and SO42...
138 DIN ISO 20816-5-2018 2018-12-01 German Mechanical vibration - Measurement and evaluation of machine vibration - Part 5: Machine sets in hydraulic power generating and pump-storage plants (ISO 20816-5:2018) 139 DIN ISO 20816-8-2018 2018-12-01 German Mechanical vibration - Measurement and...
DIN EN 12332-2-2003橡胶或塑料涂层织物.破裂强度测定.第2部分:液压法(Rubber- or plastic-coated fabrics - Determination of bursting strength - Part 2: Hydraulic method; German version EN 12332-2:2002) DIN EN 12334-2001工业阀门.铸铁控制阀门(Industrial valves - Cast iron check valves; German versi...