文件草案 适应气候变化 脆弱性、影响和风险评估指南(ISO/DIS 14091:2019) 德文版和英文版 prEN ISO 14091:2019, Draft Document - Adaptation to climate change - Guidelines on vulnerability, impacts
DIN EN 14091:2003-06
ANSI | BS | DIN | EN | GB | ISO | JIS | NF | 编号中文名称英文名称 DIN 29502-1 航空航天.织物增强的丙烯酸类树脂的飞机窗玻璃的边缘加强材料.设计指令 Aerospace; edge reinforcements for aircraft glazings of fabric reinforced acrylic resins; directives for design DIN 29505 航空航天.纤维增强的...
189 DIN EN ISO 14091-2020 2020-03-01 German,English Adaptation to climate change - Guidelines on vulnerability, impacts and risk assessment (ISO/DIS 14091:2019); German and English version prEN ISO 14091:2019 190 DIN EN ISO 19577-2020 2020-03-01 German No Title() 191 DIN EN ISO 17573-...
306 DIN EN ISO 14091-2021 2021-07-01 English Adaptation to climate change - Guidelines on vulnerability, impacts and risk assessment (ISO 14091:2021) 307 DIN EN ISO 22167-2021 2021-07-01 English Solid recovered fuels - Determination of the content of volatile matter (ISO 22167:2021) 308 DI...
DIN EN 14090-2002航空航天.航天产品保证.筛选航天材料的燃烧性能试验(Aerospace - Space product assurance - Flammability testing for the screening of space materials; German and English version EN 14090:2002) DIN EN 14091-2003航空航天.航天产品保证.航天材料筛选用的热真空除气试验(Aerospace - Space produc...
306 DIN EN ISO 14091-2021 2021-07-01 English Adaptation to climate change - Guidelines on vulnerability, impacts and risk assessment (ISO 14091:2021) 307 DIN EN ISO 22167-2021 2021-07-01 English Solid recovered fuels - Determination of the content of volatile matter (ISO 22167:2021) 308 DI...