the matrix qw is of order 17X25. Shouldn't the order of matrix D be the same? I am trying to form a matrix D of an order that is same as qw ie 17X25. Please help!!! 테마복사 X=5100; % length of reservoir n= 17; % number of space steps maxt=25; % number o...
Hello. I have a series of output A=2, B=3, C=4,D=5, E=[1;0.1;0.9]. I'm trying to put all of these output together as a row matrix, F. i.e F = [A B C D E]. But i keep getting the error 'Dimensions of matrices being concatenated are not consistent'. Is th...
在MATLAB编程过程中,您可能会遇到“Error using /,Matrix dimensions must agree”这样的错误信息。这通常意味着在执行除法操作时,参与运算的矩阵维度不匹配。为解决这一问题,您需要确保矩阵的维度在进行除法运算时相匹配。您提到的代码行是:Ex=1./(m.^4./EL+n.^4./ET+m.^2.*n.^2.*P);...
Using a matrix where every column has a... Learn more about matrix columns all with different number of rows
提示错误Index ..这是模拟退火的程序,第三行错误,求大神解决clc,clearsj0=load('sj.txt');%加载数据x=sj0(:,1:2:8);x=x(:);y=sj0(:,2:2:8);y=y(:);sj
That result is most likely because you defined ‘mm’ as a 3-D matrix. I would define it as a cell array instead. That will allow for varying numbers of returned values from your find call. 5 件のコメント 3 件の古いコメントを表示 Star Strider 2014 年 11 月 3 日 MATLAB Onlin...
输入1; //这时我们输入的仅仅是一个数字 输入1 2 2 3; //这时我们输入的并非matrix 输入[1 2 3 4 ] //这时我们输入的也不是matrix 输入[1;2;3;4] //正确 这是由至,输入值表格和表格处理功能是不一样的,因此错误代码将被显示
为什么在matlab执行命令中出现 Matrix dimensions must agree,这句错误警告?首先,我们一应弄清这句话的意思,它的意思是矩阵尺寸必须一致,即A(m,n)和B(m,n)的行数和列数要相同。其二,我们对照这个意思,来分析每句代码书写是否合理。我们发现 Y=0.5*((pi/(x.*(r^3)))^(1/2))*(K^...
一定要输入一个matrix,不能仅仅输入一个数值,否则会显示:Matrix dimensions must agree输入1; //这时我们输入的仅仅是一个数字输入1 2 2 3; //这时我们输入的并非matrix 输入[1 2 3 4 ] //这时我们输入的也不是matrix 输入[1;2;3;4] //正确