Institution Review Board (IRB) approval was obtained in order to use human subjects. The target agegroup of participants was between 11-19 years old, however participants not within the agerange were accepted. Because there are many variables that influence the functionality of the pupils, such ...
An instance of Dimensions if the JsonReader was pointing to an instance of it, or null if it was pointing to JSON null. Throws: IOException - If an error occurs while reading the Dimensions. height public Double height() Get the height property: Height of the device. Returns: the height...
Board Composition and Organizational Performance: Environmental Characteristics Matter In addition, the moderating effects of these dimensions of organizational task environments on the relationship between board composition and organizational ... ?rge ?ener,A Varo?Lu,S Aren - Procedia - Social and Behavio...
,V Smit,R Verheul,J Oldham,Widiger, Thomas A.摘要: Objective: To obtain the opinions and preferences of practising clinicians about the clinical utility of personality scales included within 8 alternative dimensional models of personality disorder for inclusion within an official diagnostic nomenclature...
The wooden partition wall thickness: 6-10; interior material row distance: the length of (45-60) *90 Indoor common size: 1, wall size (1) skirting board is high; 80 - 200mm. (2): 800 - 1500mm high dado. (3): 1600 - 1800 (high mirror painting center height) mm. 2. Restaurant...
This paper examines references to romantic relationships, gender and sexuality (RRGS) in popular teen drama, specifically focusing on the seriesSex Education,Euphoria,Thirteen Reasons Why, andElite. A lexicometric analysis was applied to the transcribed subtitles of these four series. While previous re...
HUAWEI IdeaHub Pro, S, Enterprise, Board Pro, and B2 2.1 Conference Room Decoration Guide Purpose Site Standards Basic Device Information Product Appearance Device Drawing Samples Conference Room Dimensions Huddle Rooms Medium-sized Conference Rooms Large-sized Conference Rooms Conference Rooms Conference ...
Health is clearly one of the most important dimensions of personal and family well-being. Recent research by the Population Research Center has used a vari... Neonatal Care, Birth Weight, elderly, aging, senior, demographics, health, economic status, socioeconomic factors, public policy, behaviora...
(also called a sub-network or a community) is a group of densely interconnected nodes, which may form the basis for specialized sub-units of information processing. Converging results across data sets, methods, and laboratories provide substantial agreement on large-scale functional brain modules ...
By Brian K. Boyd, Katalin Takacs Haynes and Fabio Zona; Dimensions of CEO–Board Relationsdoi:10.1111/j.1467-6486.2010.00943.xBoyd, Brian KArizona State UniversityHaynes, Katalin TakacsTexas A&M UniversityZona, FabioBocconi UniversityBlackwell Publishing LtdJournal of Management Studies...