I have to give A as array of 10 values but getting error like dimensions are not matching .. please help me how to match the dimensions. ThemeCopy theta=-1:0.01:1; u=sin(theta); for theta= -1:0.01:1 syms x A=[0.96058 0.82596 0.576 0.29171 0.12276 0.12276 0.29171 0.576 0.82596 ...
function fn(atr,~) for i=1:length(y) M(1,1+(i-1)*length(x):i*length(x))=x; M(2,1+(i-1)*length(x):i*length(x))=y(i)*ones(1,length(x)); end for n=1:50 u1=str2sym(get(atr,'string')) inte=u1*sin(n*pi*x/L) q = int(inte,0,L) Dn= 2*q/(L*sinh(n*p...
Match = 0; k = k + 1; end k = k + 1; end if k ~= (length(AMZNamePKL)+1) Match = 0; end if ~Match error(sprintf('AMZData entry names in %s and %s do not match',PKLFile,SETFile)); end [ Last edited by fish_tank on 2010-10-12 at 15:33 ] 返回小木虫查看更多分享...
Concatenation Error: The error message Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent indicates that the dimensions of sTrain and yPred(t-1) do not match when you attempt to concatenate them. This typically occurs when the dimensions of the arrays differ in ei...
if ~Match error(sprintf('AMZData entry names in %s and %s do not match',PKLFile,SETFile));e...
Dimensions of r1 are 1x3, whereas the dimensions of rmsr are not obvious, but it seems to be the same as size(psi). These two dimensions do not match, so you cannot divide the elements of these two vectors.이 질문은 마감되었습니...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 [EDIT: Fri Jun 10 17:09:13 UTC 2011 - Reformat - MKF] My Code chuky=240*10^-6; biendo=24; k=[1:20]; omega=2*pi/chuky; omega1=omega*k; a0=2*chuky/pi; a1=chuky*biendo./((k+1)*pi); ...
tidy all make.inc.* to make-platforms/, fix CI and docs to match Jan 8, 2025 matlab merge in matlab opts12 snafu from master Feb 8, 2025 perftest perftest manysmallprobs compile fix -I Feb 18, 2025 python merge in matlab opts12 snafu from master ...
Takes any number of cell or double arrays and resizes them all to the same dimensions. Also serves to resize any array with removal of extra rows/columns and adding of NaN, 0, or empty string rows/columns. - NotMyMajor/MATLAB_samesize
If that was the correct answer, then gamma MUST have been an array. If so, then your code is not very robust. For example, you don't have a try/catch. What guarantees that gamma has the same number of elements as y? Are you checking for that before you call this function? A ...