Dimensional weight applies to both FedEx Express® and FedEx Ground® packages. It reflects a package’s density, which is the amount of space a package occupies in relation to its actual weight. For each shipment, your charge is based on the dimensional weight or actual weight of the pac...
Why is dim weight important? Three main reasons: Major shipping companies, including FedEx, use dim weight to calculate shipping prices; this is called dim weight pricing. Dim weight pricing may reduce shipping costs for customers who pack more efficiently. ...
How to get dimensional weight for FedEx? FedEx’s dimensional factor varies depending on which unit of length and weight is being used in the calculations. When using inches per pound, the DIM factor is 139: DIM weight = (Length * Width * Height) / 139 When using centimetres per kilogram...
If we’re going to tackle the DW (dimensional weight) monster that’s haunting your shipping bills, we first need to know what it is. Let’s first look at DW from the perspective of a carrier – FedEx – since they are the ones who came up with it. Basically, FedEx has a finite ...
Dim weight is the weight of a package based on its size rather than "actual weight". UPS, FedEx, and USPS calculate a dim weight for their services and charge the greater of actual scale weight ordim weight to price packages, when applicable. ...
Top carriers such as USPS, FedEx, and UPS calculate shipping rates based on the larger number: the actual weight of the package or its calculated volumetric weight. For each shipment, you are charged based on the dimensional weight or actual weight of the package—whichever is greater. ...
When Am I Likely to be Charged for Dimensional Weight? Pretty much all the commercial carriers in the air freight and trucking industry employ the DIM standard. The big three—FedEx, DHL, and UPS—all use DIM to calculate the charges for their ground-shipping services. ...
Dimensional weight is the amount of space a package occupies in relation to its actual weight. Did this information help you? YES NO Can't find what you're looking for? Contact us with one of these options. Customer Service Get in touch with our Customer Service for further enquiries ...
Calculate the weight of your package forwarding shipment using USA2Me's Dimensional Weight Calculator.
You can calculate the dimensional weight yourself using the divisors below. a) By Air Couriers (UPS,TNT,FedEx,DHL) if the length, width, and height are calculated incm, the volumetric divisor is5000 if the length, width, and height are calculated inm, the volumetric divisor is0.005 ...