The dimensionas of universal gravitational constant are 01:20 The dimensional formula of angular velocity is 01:36 The dimensions of power are 00:54 The dimensions of couple are 01:14 The dimensional formula for angular momentum is 00:59 The dimensional formula of impulse is 01:15 The dimensio...
Obtain the dimensional formula for the Gravitation constant 01:48 Obtain the dimensional formula for the Coefficient of thermal conducti... 02:03 Obtain the dimensional formula for the Angular impulse . 01:11 Obtain the dimensional formula for the Poisson's ratio. 01:36 Check the accurary of ...
The dimensional formula helps in deriving the relationship between different physical quantities. For conversion from one system of units into another system for any given quantity. It expresses one quantity in terms of the fundamental units.
This formula satisfies the Laplace equation everywhere except at r = 0, where it is logarithmically singular. The source flow field it induces is examined next. A source (sink) of strength m(−m) is a point at which fluid is appearing (or disappearing) at a uniform rate of m (−m...
2. which formula I don't want to swim in an ocean of formulae. Therefore I look for a formula that is as simple as possible, for covering a given curve. Trying to confine myself to Cartesian, polar, bipolar and parametric equations. Examples: • Cartesian equation: y = f(x) ...
The dimensional formula of physical quantity is [MaLbTc].Then that physical quantity is Asurface tension if a=1,b=1,c=-2 Bforce if a=1,b=1,c=2 Cangular frequency if a=0,b=0,c=-1 Dspring constant if a=1,b=-1,c=-2Submit If the dimensional formula for the physical quantity ...
Submit The dimensional formula of physical quantity is [MaLbTc].Then that physical quantity is Asurface tension if a=1,b=1,c=-2 Bforce if a=1,b=1,c=2 Cangular frequency if a=0,b=0,c=-1 Dspring constant if a=1,b=-1,c=-2Submit...
Which of the following pairs of physical quantites does not have same dimensional formula ? View Solution The physical quantities not having the same dimensions are View Solution Exams IIT JEE NEET UP Board Bihar Board CBSE Free Textbook Solutions ...
Hence, this formula can be seen as the spatial Fourier transform of the reflectivity function. To solve the problem of synthesis scatterers and realize 3D imaging, it is equivalent to solve the underdetermined problem of (3). If the reconstructed reflectivity function can be exactly extracted from...
It can be easily done by using the Cauchy–Lagrange integral analogue [27] or some formulae for integral loads, derived in [5,28,29,30] for a wide range of problem types. 2.2. Vorticity and Velocity Fields While for a given velocity field the vorticity field can be obtained directly as...