Julien MOEYS
星型模型 星型模型( star schema) 是一种多维数据关系,有一个事实表( Fact table) 和一 组维表(Dimension table) 组成。每个 … www.docin.com|基于194个网页 3. 维度资料表 维度资料表(dimension table) 用来定义事实资料表中的栏位,例如售货员姓名、交易类型或是项目等等。这个过程与 正规化… ...
In a star schema, a single table in the relational database stores all the information for a particular dimension. Although a star schema typically contains only a few dimension tables (three to eight), it can have as many dimension tables as is needed to describe a business process. You w...
To load a dimension key using a database joinIn PowerCenter Designer, open the applicable source system configuration folder. Open the applicable load mapping. Add the dimension table (the table that contains the dimension key) as a source system to your load mapping. Drag and drop the s...
Create a new DRS lookup stage and open it for editing. Image: New lookup table stages This example illustrates the fields and controls on the New lookup table stages. Select the mainStagetab and input the appropriate values for database type, connection name, user ...
I am a newbie to data warehousing so go easy on me please. I am trying to figure out the number of dimensions in this case. In my transaction database: I have a table which store Location Codes. Columns arelocation_code int not null primary key, short_description varchar(10...
ICloneable.CloneCreates a new copy of the object instance. IDeserializationCallback.OnDeserializationRuns when the entire object graph has been deserialized. (繼承自MajorObject。) IFormattable.ToStringFormats the value of the current instance using the specified format. (繼承自NamedComponent。) ...
Fact tables are tables whose records are immutable "facts", such as service logs and measurement information. Records are progressively appended into the table in a streaming fashion or in large chunks. The records stay there until they're removed because of cost or because they've lost their ...
AggregationDimension(String)Initializes a new instance of the AggregationDimension class using a name. 页首 事件 名称说明 Disposed(从Component继承。) 页首 显式接口实现 名称说明 ICloneable. . :: . .Clone IHostableComponent. . :: . .Host(从ModelComponent继承。) ...
The dimension schema of a parent-child hierarchy depends on a self-referencing relationship present on the dimension main table. For example, the following diagram illustrates the DimOrganization dimension main table in the AdventureWorksDW2012 sample database....