multi-dimension setsto create combinations of sets that use more than one dimension. You create multi-dimension sets using basic, data, and single-dimension sets. Example You create a multi-dimension set (called CC-ACCT) that contains the basic set CENTERS (dimension Cost Center) and the basic...
A set name is only unique within one set class. If you enter a set name that exists in two different set classes, the system displays a dialog box in which you select the set that you want to enter in the multi-dimension set.
Thursday, January 14, 2010 8:32 PM I have a dimension (Geography) with a PostalCode attribute. The data is stored as a string with the full postal code format i.e. "45678-1234". I would like to be able to just return the first 5 characters in my query. Here is what I have trie...
We explore the interlacing between model category structures attained to classes of modules of finite -dimension, for certain classes of modules . As an application we give a model structure approach to the finitistic dimension conjectures and present a new conceptual framework in which these ...
"pageYOffset"},function(t,i){var o="pageYOffset"===i;S.fn[t]=function(e){return $(this,function(e,t,n){var r;if(x(e)?r=e:9===e.nodeType&&(r=e.defaultView),void 0===n)return r?r[i]:e[t];r?r.scrollTo(o?r.pageXOffset:n,o?n:r.pageYOffset):e[t]=n},t,e,...
I have a dimension (Geography) with a PostalCode attribute. The data is stored as a string with the full postal code format i.e. "45678-1234". I would like to be able to just return the first 5 characters in my query. Here is what I have tried: ...
Auf der Grundlage von den vielfältigen Anforderungen aus Bau und Betrieb werden grundlegende Fakten zur Dimensionierung von Steinzeugrohren vorgestellt.Karl-Heinz Flick3R international: Rohre,Rohrleitungsbau,Rohrleitungstransport
A set name is only unique within one set class. If you enter a set name that exists in two different set classes, the system displays a dialog box in which you select the set that you want to enter in the multi-dimension set.
A special webpage can be dedicated to this geoheritage. Indeed, all these actions need moderate funding, which can be provided by administrative au- thorities, the tourism industry, or any external investors. The development of a plan for funding/investment attraction is another important task. ...