Index exceeds matrix dimensions.翻译成中文就是 指数超过矩阵维度。意思就是,你矩阵加入定义的矩阵A是 3乘3的矩阵,你在程序里,写了一个 B=A(4,3);这样的话,Matlab就找不到这第四行第三列的数据,因为你定义的A就三行三列;比如如下代码,你可以试试:M= magic(4);M(6,6)输出的就...
Inner matrix dimension must agree 解决方法 内部矩阵维数必须一致,两个矩阵相乘,必须满足左行等于右列
MATLAB Online에서 열기 hello i have two matrix(M & M2) one of them M have 50 row and 32 column and the second one M2 has 50 row and 10 column i want to use OR logical with both of them, i used this code which i found here:...
MATLAB Online で開く Yes.thetais a vector and so thereforeZ0is a vector of the same length. Then the error line: Ttemp = [1 0; Z0 1]; is trying to place an entire vector in the 2nd row of a matrix with only 2 columns. Perhaps you meant ...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 that's my code when i run it i receives the error index exceeds matrix dimension , i don't know where and what is the problem any help please clear clc % Rungekutta d= 1548e-9:0.1e-9:1552e-9; ...
用MATLAB实现矩阵分解 [L,U] = LU(X) stores an upper triangular matrix in U and a "psychologically lower triangular matrix" (i.e. a product of lower triangular and permutation matrices) in L, so that ... 向量化与并行计算 向量化计算这个编程范式比map-reduce要复杂,但本质上都是使用了两种基本...
The length of the greatest dimension in an array is the number of elements in the array along that dimension, and we can easily fit it in MATLAB using the built-in length() function. This function takes an array that can be a vector, a matrix, or a multidirectional array as an input...
MATLAB Release Compatibility Created with R13 Compatible with any release Platform Compatibility Windows macOS Linux Categories MATLAB > Mathematics > Linear Algebra Find more on Linear Algebra in Help Center and MATLAB Answers Tags Add Tags affine transforma... matrices matrix manipulation ...
Open in MATLAB Online In thetempvariable is having a index exceed matrix dimension, is there any solution? closeall; clear; clc; semi_fig = figure(); semi_ax = axes('Parent', semi_fig); hold(semi_ax,'on') forM = 2:4% bit resolutions ...
-> Now it is clear. 1x201 * 1x2 - > That's not going to work. The question still is, what is it that you need to achieve. Just because I could tell you a working operation, I can't tell you what makes sense.