B. A. Pasynkov, “On a formula of W. Hurewicz,” Vestn. Mosk. Gos. Univ., Mat., Mekh., No. 4, 3–5 (1965). Google Scholar B. A. Pasynkov, “On universal compacta,” Usp. Mat. Nauk,21, No. 4, 91–100 (1966). Google Scholar B. A. Pasynkov, “On open mappings,...
So, a non-parametric technique [37] was developed to estimate background probabilities at each pixel from many recent samples over time using Kernel density estimation (KDE) but it is time consuming. Several improvements of the KDE can be found in the surveys [8,13]. For example, Sheikh ...
Fig. 4. Left: conditional density given that X1=1230 and unconditional density for Harris EOQ. Right: conditioning on all x1∈X1 by binning the sample data. (For interpretation of the references to colour in the text, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) View articl...
Answer to: The density of a solid object is defined as the ratio of the mass of the object to its volume. The dimension of density is a) [ M ] [...
This paper extends some results of [M5] and [M3], in particular, removing assumptions of positive lower density. We give conditions on a general family P λ : R n → R m , λ∈Λ , P_{\lambda}:\mathbb{R}^{n}o\mathbb{R}^{m}, \lambda \in \Lambda, of orthogonal projections ...
. An explicit formula for p can be derived by the Ehrhart theory of polynomials35,36. In particular, \(p(d,R_1,R_2)={V_\diamond (R_1,d)}/{V_\diamond (R_2,d)}\) where \(V_\diamond (R,d)\) is the number of points that would be observed within a distance R...
Namely we prove the exact mean dimension formula of the dynamical system of Brody curves. Our formula expresses the mean dimension by the energy density of Brody curves. The proof is based on a novel application of the metric mean dimension theory of Lindenstrauss and Weiss....
We show that this involves the dynamics of a rational map on the complex projective plane P 2, and we give an explicit formula for the integrated density of states in terms of the Green function of this map. This allows to deduce several results on the structure of the integrated density ...
The index of dimension change is the change of the material density or the dimensions of the body. Due to dimension change the molecular bond of the polymer will be changed. In the case of penetration of solvents into the molecular structure, the molecular bond will be partly or as the ...
For example, a cross Dimension design-time prompt could be used in the source of a formula. In the Template Designer, open an existing template or create a new template. On the Design Time Prompt tab, click . If you already have design-time prompts defined for the template, select ...